Children's Programs

Kids are the heartbeat of our church. We encourage you to find a place for your child in our children's programs.

Sunday Children's Programs

Family Worship Service | 9:30 AM 

All children are welcome to join the congregation in the main sanctuary for our family worship service.

Nursery (ages 1-2) | 11 AM

During the adult Bible study, parents can leave their young children with nursery staff for a simple Bible lesson, snack, songs, and playtime. Additionally, our nursery is always available for young children and parents. There are private rooms with cribs and rockers for mothers and their babies.

Sunday School (pre-k - 12th grade) | 11 AM

Sunday school takes place during adult Bible study and begins with all ages singing together and an object lesson. This is a highlight for the kids! Students then split into age-specific classes for a Bible lesson. Ask your kids about what they learned! Our curriculum delivers the same message to all classes, adapted for each age group.


All Children's ministry volunteers are screened by our leadership team and are required to pass a background check. Learn about our Child Protection Policy.


Wednesday Programs

2nd and 4th of each month | 7:10 PM

  • Bible Buddies

    Boys & Girls | K - 3rd grade

    Bible Buddies kids participate in singing, memorizing scripture, and learning about God and his Word through games, crafts, and other fun in and outdoor activities. This group meets during the school year.

  • GiGi's | Girls in God's Image

    Girls | 4th - 8th grade & high school

    The purpose of GiGi's is to teach young women about the image in which they were formed, and what being a Godly young woman looks like today. Through prayer and studying the Word together, the group discusses topics including Christian friendship, body image, and being a servant. 

  • Giants

    Boys | 4th - 8th grade & high school

    This group learns what it means to be a man of God. From Bible studies, discussing the issues facing young men today, to going outside to throw the football around, the emphasis is on connection. Giants provides a touch point in the boys' lives to talk about school, faith, family, and everything in between.

Monthly Events

  • Story Hour

    Hosted at a church member's home, Story Hour joins our littlest church-goers in community. It gives preschool-aged children, and younger, the chance to share in a special time of reading and playing together, while also offering a time of connection for mothers.

  • Teen Night

    Teen Night is an opportunity for our high school-age kids to connect, have fun, and grow together outside of church. These nights take different forms depending on the host!

  • Indy Children's Choir

    Seasonally | 5th-12th graders

    The heart behind the Indy Children’s Choir is to teach kids to sing excellently to the Lord. Psalm 33:3 says: “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.” Indy Children's Choir members learn to sing harmony parts, learn music theory — and have lots of fun together!

Yearly Events

  • Mission Trips

    Mission trips are held during the summer and are geared toward our high school students, along with interested parents, Sunday School teachers, and other church members. Previous trips include serving at an orphanage in Mexico and a horse ranch in Missouri.

  • Winter Retreat

    This bi-annual ski trip occurs in January or February, connecting older and younger members of our church to create a rich weekend of mentorship.

  • VBS

    We host an annual, week-long Vacation Bible School in the summer with crafts, games, activities, a Bible lesson, and dinner for kids. The VBS is not just for our local church, but for friends, family, and our community too!

  • Sunday School Picnic

    A yearly picnic is held at the beginning of the school year to kick off our new Sunday school semester. 

  • Girls and Boys Camp

    Our church engages with yearly boy's and girl's camps, hosted by our larger Apostolic Christian Church denomination. Often regional groups carpool together to attend these camps over the summer.

  • Mentoring & Discipleship

    As part of our church’s vision, we want to disciple each other to deepen our relationship with Christ. Mentoring is one way we do this. Mentors are paired with a mentee on a year-by-year basis. Each pair establishes a structure for the relationship and sets goals together.

Let's Connect

Please reach out to get your child connected with one of these groups! We'd love to have you join us.

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