We believe in the infallibility of the Bible, which is founded on faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The purpose of the church is to teach the Gospel message of salvation, to nurture the believer, to preserve sound doctrine and to serve others in the likeness of Christ. The church diligently applies New Testament standards to everyday life and worship, and it practices a deep reverence toward God. Salvation through Jesus Christ is man's greatest treasure. Indianapolis Apostolic Christian Church seeks to share the joy of this marvelous gift from God and prays diligently that others also will turn to Jesus Christ in true faith and repentance, experience peace with God and man and receive the gift of eternal life.
We are part of the Apostolic Christian Church of America. You can find out more about beliefs, history and ministries on their website.
To honor and glorify God as faithful stewards of the life-giving Gospel, seeking effective ways to share life changing Biblical Truth.
Worship to Magnify and Inspire - Worship and devotion that magnifies the Lord, exalts His name, shares His presence and inspires the church body.
Psalms 34:1-5
Create Community - A spirit of community/belonging where the spiritual, social, emotional and connecting needs are met.
Hebrews 10:24-25
Engage Gifts - A church in which all members acknowledge and use their spiritual gifts and are actively engaged in using them with a sense of commitment, loyalty and resolve.
Romans 12:4-8 & I Corinthians 12:18
Equip for Life & Spiritual Growth - A structured ongoing discipleship and mentoring program that equips the body with life skills and church mission.
Ephesians 4:11-13
Spread the Gospel - Draw our youth, church friends and community to Christ by actively presenting the Gospel and helping them experience the love of Christ through us.
Matthew 28:18-20